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Data Protection Declaration


BrainWeb Investment GmbH is delighted that you are visiting our website. Data protection and data security when using our website are very important for us. We would therefore like to take this opportunity to inform you what personal data of yours we record when you visit our website and for what purpose they are used.


As changes to the law or changes in our company-internal processes can necessitate an adjustment to this data protection declaration, we ask you to read this data protection declaration through on a regular basis.


§ 1 Scope of Validity

This data protection declaration applies for the webpages offered by BrainWeb Investment GmbH that can be called up under the domain and the various subdomains (hereinafter referred to as “our website”).


§ 2 What are Personal Data?

Personal data are information that can be used to acquire personal or material details about you (e.g. name, address, telephone number, date of birth or e-mail address). Information with which we cannot establish any link to your person (or only with disproportionate effort), e.g. by anonymizing the information, is not personal data.


§ 3 What Personal Data are Collected/Processed and Used by Us?

You can use most of our website without providing any personal data.


Access data without a personal link such as the name of your Internet service provider, the page from which you are visiting us, the names of the requested files and their expiry date are saved. These data are solely analyzed to improve the services we offer and do not permit any conclusions at all about your person.


If you wish to use services offered by us on our website such as to order a newsletter or to use the contact form, etc., however, it is necessary for you to provide further data in this regard. These are data that are necessary for the further handling, i.e. for instance your e-mail address when ordering a newsletter.


We use the data collected by us about you to provide the products and services offered by us, to answer your questions and to operate and improve our webpages and applications.


We use your personal data only to be able to offer you a comprehensive service via our website or, if you use our contact form, to provide the requested service.


There is no further usage of your personal data. Except in the cases described below, there is no transmission of your personal data to third parties or a usage of your data for advertising purposes without your consent unless we are obligated by law to surrender data (information to criminal prosecution authorities and courts; information to public organizations that receive data as the result of statutory regulations, e.g. social insurance organizations, financial authorities, etc.) or we use the services of third parties bound by professional secrecy to enforce our claims.


In particular, personal data are used as follows:

a) Forms of personal interaction and contact forms


If you use the opportunity to send enquiries to us via our contact form, email address or post, we ask you for your first name and your surname and for your e-mail address. In addition, you can voluntarily enter further information such as your telephone number, company name, etc. and your individual message to us in the message field.

You are free to decide whether you provide us with these data. However, we cannot fulfil your contact request without the mandatory information.


§ 4 User Profiles / Use of Cookies

We do not create any personal user profiles apart from in the cases named in this data protection declaration. In conjunction with the retrieval of the information requested by you, data are merely saved in anonymized form to provide our various services or for analysis purposes. General information is logged here, e.g. when which content from our service offering is retrieved or what pages are visited most frequently.


We use so-called “cookies” (small text files with configuration information). Cookies are small text files that are sent from our web server to your browser during your visit and are held by the browser on your computer for subsequent retrieval. We use so-called session cookies (also called temporary cookies), i.e. cookies that are cached solely for the duration of your usage of one of our Internet sites.


We also use “persistent cookies” and “third-party provider cookies”. Persistent cookies remain saved on your computer even after an Internet session has ended or the browser has been closed. These cookies usually have an expiry date after which they lose their validity.


In particular, the cookies are used to determine the frequency of usage and the number of visitors to our websites and to be able to continue to identify your computer during a visit of our website when changing from one of our webpages to another of our webpages and to establish the end of your visit. We thus learn what part of our website and what other websites our visitors have visited. However, these usage data do not permit any conclusions with regard to the user. All of these usage data collected in anonymized form are not merged with your personal data pursuant to Section 3 of this data protection declaration and are deleted immediately on completion of the statistical analysis. The cookies are deleted after the end of the session, as soon as you terminate your browser session.


Persistent cookies allow us to adapt the content of our website to the behavior and interests of the respective user. The use of persistent cookies allows us to re-address users with personalized website content who have already visited the site and have shown an interest in its content. This retargeting process is anonymous, so personal data is not stored and user profiles are not combined with personal data. Persistent cookies are regularly deleted after 14 months. Where a user has submitted their e-mail address – for a download, for example – cookies are stored for 24 months.


The default settings for most browsers are for them to automatically accept cookies. However, you can deactivate the saving of cookies or set your browser so that you are notified before cookies are saved. Users who do not accept cookies may not be able to access certain areas of our websites.


§ 5 Integration of Social Plug-Ins

In addition, plug-ins of the social networks “LinkedIn” (LinkedIn Ireland, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place 2, Dublin 2, Ireland), “XING” (XING AG, Dammtorstraße 30, 20354 Hamburg) are integrated on our websites.

These are solely operated by the respective provider. Within the framework of our website, the plug-ins are marked by the respective button belonging to the service.


When visiting a subpage of our websites that contains such a plug-in, your browser provides a link to the servers of the respective service, which means in turn that the content of the plug-in is communicated to your browser and integrated by the latter in the page shown. The information about the visit to our website is thus forwarded to the respective service. If during the visit to our website, you are also registered with the respective service at the same time via your personal user account (e.g. via another browser session), this service can assign the visit to our website to your account.


With the aid of the plug-ins, users can share or post links to corresponding webpages in social networks such as LinkedIn or Xing, or recommend the content there. By your active interaction with these plug-ins, e.g. by clicking on the respective button or leaving a comment, this corresponding information is communicated directly to the respective service and saved there.


If you wish to prevent such transmission of data, you must log out from your user account of the respective service before visiting our webpages. The scope and purpose of the data collection by the respective service and the further processing and usage of your data there can be found in the data protection information directly on the webpage of the service.


§ 6 Integration of the Xing Plugin

We would like to inform you here about the processing of personal data via the function of the “XING button” that is used on this website. When this website is called up, a connection is established for a short period of time via your browser to servers of XING AG (hereinafter “XING”) with which the “XING button” functions are provided. XING does not save any of your personal data regarding the retrieval of this webpage. In particular, XING does not save any IP addresses. There is also no analysis of your usage behaviour via the use of cookies in connection with the “XING share button”. The respectively current data protection information on the “XING share button” and supplementary information can be found on this webpage: and


§ 7 Integration of LinkedIn Plugins

Plug-ins of the social network LinkedIn of LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94403, USA (hereinafter “LinkedIn”) are also integrated on our webpages. You can recognise the LinkedIn plug-ins by the LinkedIn logo or the “Recommend” button on our website. When you visit our webpages, a direct connection is established between your browser and the LinkedIn server via the plug-in. LinkedIn thus receives the information that you have visited our website with your IP address. When you click on the LinkedIn “Recommend” button while you are logged into your LinkedIn account, you can link the content of our webpages on your LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn can thus assign the visit of our webpages to your user account. We would like to point out that as a provider of the webpages we do not gain any knowledge of the content of the data transmitted or of their usage by LinkedIn.


Details on the data collection (purpose, scope, further processing, usage) and on your rights and setting options can be found on the data protection information available at


§ 8 Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses so-called “cookies”, text files that are saved on your computer and that enable an analysis of your usage of the website. These are cookies of Google itself (Google Analytics cookies) and so-called third-party provider cookies (double-click cookies). The information generated by the cookie regarding your usage of this website is usually transmitted to a server of Google in the USA and saved there. Google may also transmit this information to third parties if this is stipulated by the law or if third parties process these data on behalf of Google.


In the event of IP anonymization being activated on this website, however, your IP address will be shortened beforehand by Google within Member States of the European Union or in other signatory states to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a server of Google in the USA and shortened there. We would like to point out that Google Analytics has been extended by the code “gat._anonymizeIp();” on this website in order to guarantee an anonymized recording of IP addresses (so-called IP masking).


On behalf of the operator of this website, Google will use this information to analyze your usage of the website, to compile reports on the website activities and to provide other services to the website operator that are associated with the website usage and the Internet usage, in particular also functions for display advertising such as Google Analytics reports on service according to demographic characteristics and interests. Google may also transfer this information to third parties if this is stipulated by law or if third parties process these data on behalf of Google. Data acquired via interest-based advertising of Google and visitor data of third-party providers (e.g. age, gender, interest) are used in the Google Analytics reports on service according to demographic characteristics and interests. The IP address communicated within the framework of Google Analytics will not be merged with other data from Google.


Cookies are also used for Google Inc.'s remarketing technology. This technology re-addresses users who have visited this site before and have shown an interest in its content with targeted advertising on the Google Partner Network pages. The Remarketing feature will work across all devices if users have agreed to their Google Web and App browsing history being linked to their Google Account and to information from their Google Account being used to personalize ads. To support this feature, Google Analytics captures Google-authenticated IDs from these users. This personal data is temporarily linked to the Google Analytics data to form target groups. Google users can customize their ads settings in “My Account” or disable personalized ads.


You can prevent the saving of cookies by a corresponding setting of your browser software; however, we would like to point out that in this case you may not be able to use all functions of this website in full.


In addition, you can prevent the recording of the data generated by the cookie and relating to your usage of the website by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at the following link:


Further information on this can be found at or at (general information on Google Analytics and data protection).


§ 9 Protection Measures to Protect the Data Stored at Our Company

We are committed to protecting your privacy and treating your personal data as confidential. In order to avoid a loss or misuse of the data stored at our company, we take comprehensive technical and organizational security precautions that are regularly reviewed and adapted to technological progress. However, we would like to point out that due to the structure of the Internet it is possible that the rules of data protection and the aforementioned protection measures are not complied with by other persons or institutions outside of our responsibility. In particular, data disclosed in unencrypted form - even if this is done by e-mail - can be read by third parties. From a technical perspective, we do not have any influence over this. It is the responsibility of the user to protect the data provided by him/her against misuse, either through encryption or by other means.


§ 10 Hyperlinks to Third-Party Websites

So-called hyperlinks to websites of other providers are found on our website. When these hyperlinks are activated, they are forwarded by our website directly to the website of the other providers. You recognise this, among others, by the change in URL. We cannot assume any responsibility for the confidential handling of your data on these websites of third parties as we do not have any influence over the compliance by these companies with the data protection provisions. Please obtain information about the handling of your personal data by these companies directly on these websites.


§ 11 Information about Your Personal Data stored at our Company / Duration of Storage / Deletion

We only save your personal data for as long as this is permitted by law. The stored personal data will be deleted if the user revokes his or her consent to the data being stored or if the knowledge of these data is no longer necessary to fulfil the purpose pursued with the storage, in particular if their storage is not permissible for other legal grounds.


We would be pleased to inform you on request what data we have saved regarding your person. If, despite our efforts to store correct and up-to-date data, erroneous data should be stored at our company, we will correct them immediately.


The data protection officer of BrainWeb Investment GmbH are available to answer these and other questions regarding data protection that you might have. Just reach out to dataprotection[at]


If you would like the stored data to be deleted, this deletion will also be done immediately at your request. If a deletion is not possible for legal reasons, deletion will be replaced by a blocking of the respective data. Please note, however, that we will no longer be able to offer you the services described here if your data are deleted.


We would like to point out to you that you can fundamentally revoke any consents given by you at any time with effect for the future and you can also object to the processing and usage of your data for advertising purposes at any time. Please contact info[at]


If you have any other questions and suggestions regarding data protection at our company and regarding this information on data protection, please also contact info[at]

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